THIMUN Qatar 2024

Photo folder

School Photos

QMUNITY PRESS Pre conference publication– – QMUNITY PRESS Day 2 publicationQMUNITY PRESS Day 3 publicationQMUNITY PRESS post conference publication

Qatar Leadership Conference 2023

Photos Folder

QMUNITY Publications: Pre conference, Day 2, Post conference.

THIMUN Qatar 2023

Photography TQ 2023 Folder

Conference publications

QMUNITY Voice Day 1QMUNITY Voice Day 2QMUNITY Voice Day 3QMUNITY Voice Post Conference

Qatar Leadership Conference 2022

Photography Qatar Leadership Conference 2022

QMUNITY PRESS publications pre conferenceQMUNITY PRESS Conference publication- QMUNITY PRESS Post conference publication

Pre conference Publication

Conference Publication

Post Conference Publication

Photos QLC 2022

THIMUN Qatar 2022

Photos THIMUN Qatar 2022

Qatar Leadership Conference 2021

Photos folder

THIMUN Qatar 2021

Photos THIMUN Qatar 2021

Opening Ceremony

Plenary Day 2 with Keynote and Ambassadors Speeches- TAKE THE #CLIMATEPLEDGE with #TQ2021

Plenary Day 3 with Peace and Service Award

Closing Ceremony, Post conference Press Video, ICJ verdict and GAIA winner

THIMUN Qatar 2020

Photos THIMUN Qatar 2020

Qatar Leadership Conference 2019

Middle School Model UN in Qatar 2019

Photos Middle School MUN 2019

THIMUN Qatar 2019

Photos Qatar Leadership Conference 2019

Photos THIMUN Qatar 2019

Qatar Leadership Conference 2018

Photos Qatar Leadership Conference 2018

Photos THIMUN Qatar 2018

Photos Qatar Leadership Conference 2017

  • 2021 THIMUN Qatar GAIA Winners

    Last year’s top 3 GAIA finalists THIMUN Qatar 2020: First Place, Winner of QAR 3,000 Birla Public School – Cups for Change Cups4Change Project Video Project Description: It is the …

  • 2020 THIMUN Qatar GAIA winners

    Last year’s top 3 GAIA finalists THIMUN Qatar 2020: First Place, Winner of QAR 3000 International School of London Qatar- Solar Initative Project on SDG 11, 12, 13 and 7 …

  • The Hague International Model United Nations Qatar

    Empowering Youth through Model United Nations