THIMUN Qatar works closely to align their conference topics to the United Nation’s agenda, and specifically, the SDGs. Each conference theme since 2017 has focused on one of the Sustainable Development Goals, and Student Officers and Delegates are encouraged to use the wealth of resources on the SDGs to inform their preparation. THIMUN Qatar 2018 focused on SDG 5: Empowerment of Women and Girls. The 2019 conference will focus on SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
THIMUN Qatar SDG Ambassadors booklet This PDF, used in collaboration with the powerpoint below, and the SDG Tracker, can support the creation of a project within your home, community, school, or all three!
THIMUN Qatar SDG Ambassadors Workshop This powerpoint can be used for all ages to help breakdown the steps needed to create a project to support the Global Goals.
THIMUN Qatar would like to celebrate your efforts at promoting the SDGs in your school, and so, if you and your school are currently running or intending to run a project to support the SDGs, please do contact us for a chance to participate in the THIMUN Qatar Global Act with Impact Awards or GAIAs. Application forms can be found here, and the deadline for submissions is January 31st 2022. To submit an application, please click the form below.
For school community ideas and a handbook for creating a school SDG community service project, please see our GAIA handbooks. Please see a non SDG specific handbook here: Student project guidebook
SDG Tracker This incredible resource breaks down each SDG, dives into the indicators by target, and provides an incredible wealth of data to inform on the Sustainable Development Goal in question. The objective of the site is to TRACK PROGRESS, so if you are researching an issue and want both up to date data and an understanding on how close the goal is to being met (and some context on why it isn’t), this will be a resource you will come back to again and again. This website can be found at
Using the SDG Tracker is simple, as our screenshots show. In exploring SDG 3, Good Health and Well-being you can dive into Target 3.6 : by 2020, halving the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents. You access data related to Target 3.6 by simply clicking on the world map. Using Qatar as an example, you can access road accident death rates for that country. You can also customize this graph by adding countries of your own choosing, as the comparative graph of the USA, Singapore, India, UAE and others show.

SDG Tracker is part of larger project called Our World in Data.Thanks to a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Our World in Data has been able to compile a wealth of statistical data in user friendly form. SDG tracker is of course helpful for those interested in information as it relates to the SDGs and their targets, but there are other areas that delegates might find useful, such as War and Peace, Culture (including statistical information on Optimism and Pessimism), as well as Violence and Rights of Children.