Last year’s top 3 GAIA finalists THIMUN Qatar 2020:
First Place, Winner of QAR 3000

International School of London Qatar- Solar Initative
Project on SDG 11, 12, 13 and 7
The main purpose of this project is to set up solar panels so the reception area of our school can run independently of the national grid. the next phase is to transition each sector of the school to run off solar energy. This project looks to help the environment along with advocating an important cause and preventing the disastrous effects climate change has on our planet. The more people we can engage in a project as broad as a renewable-energy project, the more we can gradually improve the state of the Earth. Thus, we hope to inspire the education community, and help support other schools run on clean energy. As a school, member of our school community will definitely notice a change in electrical systems (as we will make it evident through banners around the school and reception), and this will lead to companies, other schools, and individuals to be inspired to make a change. We believe that if we can commit and accomplish a project such as this, then everyone can achieve it too!
Second Place, Winner of QAR 2000
Doha British School- Downtown Project

Project on SDG 1 and SDG 10
Downtown Doha is an initiative that has been created a few years ago in school and has expanded ever since. Students collect items within school to deliver the workers in a camp somewhere in Qatar. They deliver things like clothes, blankets, toiletries and canned food in order to support their day-to-day life and try to improve their life a little with some comfort. The students visit the camp regularly to bring the collection to them
Third Place, Winner of QAR 1000
The Next Generation- Anti- Bullying Project
Project on SDG 16
This project addresses the issues of bullying in schools. To address the issue, the MUN club of TNG will spread awareness through the use of videos (roleplay), assemblies, interviews in which we learn about the experience of a victim of bullying, and by implementing confession boxes in classes to create a safe space in which students can share their experiences with bullying. Finally we will end by having workshops headed by the student counsellor and by having a students affairs committee in school. The idea is that we will support the creation of a more confident student body where students who don’t usually take part in school activities become more involved as they feel safe and secure to do so.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TOP THREE GAIA WINNERS FOR THIMUN QATAR 2020. Participants of THIMUN Qatar 2020 will vote on the first second and third placement of these projects in committee rooms on Thursday 23rd Jan 2020. Please do feel free to connect with project leaders during lunch sessions on Wednesday and Thursday.